MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Creating a release thread
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This forum is for release threads only and as such this forum is moderated. This means that before your thread shows up, it must be approved by a moderator. Alternatively you may "request" your existing thread to be moved into this forum. Here's how you can get your thread in this forum:
1) Create a new thread here
2) Wait for a moderator to approve it. Approvals can take up to 48 hours - please be patient and don't create threads or PM staff about it.

1) The thread must be created by the original author of the theme
2) The author must be able to provide active support for the theme, and keep them up-to-date with MyBB releases.
3) Your thread must be written in English. Threads not in English may not be approved.
4) The theme must be submitted to the MyBB Modification site.

Thank you for your continued support!

MyBB Staff

Note: This thread is subject to change
After noticing many threads awaiting moderation I'd like to say that if and when your thread hasn't appeared after 48 hours then please feel free to create a thread in Private Inquiries.
Otherwise what tends to happen is that there is a massive backlog of threads when we actually remember to check.
Due to the sheer number of people not following these instructions, I'm reaffirming one rule and adding another one.

For your thread to be approved, your submission must be available on the MyBB Mods site. If you have not submitted it here, and the download is just in the post, or in an external location, your thread will not be approved.

Furthermore, because of this, it makes sense to wait until your submission is approved and available on the Mods site before creating your thread. Otherwise, your thread will have no download link, so there wouldn't be much point in us approving it. If you make the thread after the plugin is available on the Mods site, you will be able to put the download link in to the already validated submission straight away.