MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: please help me
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hello to all members i made my forum with mybb 1.4.4 but i dont know how to make it beautiful and put good looking google adsense plz help me how i make my forum looks so good looking and put google adsense so i earn money thanks
Where do you want the ads?
To make it 'beautiful', add some themes.

There's also many plugins to place ads if you have a look through the Mods site.

And can you also try and use more descriptive thread titles, as 'please help me' is a bit useless... think of people searching for a similar topic....
i want ads in forum posts ( inside posts ) use accidentally click on the ads in threads and both sides of forum thanks
Inside the posts?? I din't think there's a plugin for the (for good reason IMO). Take a look at some of the plugin available and see which best suits your needs, you'll be the best judge as you're the on who wants it.
Well, technically, he can create a new section within the table that contains the post message.

Probably not a very good idea, but do what you want.