MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Using the backup...?
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Well, I decided to create a side-forum for some friends and I... and I've backed up my database (data only). Then, however, the forum wiped...

I've decided to create a back-up forum (MyBB software), but, when I want to import the backup via PhPMyAdmin, it first said that the tables already existed, but when I delete the tables (of the newly created forums), and try to upload the backup, it says that it's missing certain tables...

Side note: when I backed up my previous forum (data only), I haven't selected certain tables, such as mybb_templates, mybb_groups, etc.
If your backup only has some tables, you'll have to install MyBB again, drop the tables you do have a backup of, and then upload your backup, so you'll have all tables, some brand new, some old.
Uhm... but how do I know which ones I've backed up? I kinda feel silly because I forgot that, as I've executed the backup two days ago.
You'll just have to look through the backup, or import it to a new database and just look at what tables there are.