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Full Version: [D] Referrer's username not working (when not in English)
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In the user registration, if a user enters a referrer's name in Hebrew (the correct name), he/she gets an error saying that that name doesn't exists (look at the picture I attached).
* the name is "ORI" in Hebrew (me) and the result (the name checked in the error message) is the characters in hebrew turnd into UTF-8.
Can you think of a solution?

Haven't you posted this before?

Moved to Bugs.
Is I did. But because no one posted an answer (or even moved it - as you did) I deleted the previous one and posted this (with some small changes). The original got to page #4 on the forum - no one will ever look beyond page #3.

Edit: To add a few more info. This worked just fine on version 1.4.2 (and I think on 1.4.3). I do have the "Easy Referral" plugin but deactivating it doesn't change anything.

Thanks Ryan. This did the "trick".I'll post this at the MyBB's Hebrew forum.
