2009-01-29, 07:48 PM
Whilst testing this I found a problem with the PHP tag... look at this.
See 'candeletethreads' is split onto 2 lines?? In Notepad++ it ads a ? there and this causes an issue, similar things happen in other editors. I'm making a bug report here because I believe it shouldn't be split, people will copy and paste code from PHP tags a lot, bug fixes is a prime example, and this will cause errors. The tag shouldn't split the word.
$query2 = $db->simple_select("usergroups", "canviewthreads,candlattachments,canratethreads,caneditposts,candeleteposts,candeletethreads,caneditattachments,canvotepolls,cansearch", "gid='{$usergroup['gid']}'", array('limit' => 1));
$existing_permissions = $db->fetch_array($query2);
See 'candeletethreads' is split onto 2 lines?? In Notepad++ it ads a ? there and this causes an issue, similar things happen in other editors. I'm making a bug report here because I believe it shouldn't be split, people will copy and paste code from PHP tags a lot, bug fixes is a prime example, and this will cause errors. The tag shouldn't split the word.