MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: My 2 Forums
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Pages: 1 2
The details are overwhelming. Care you share something about the sites before I bother clicking and possibly being disappointed?
your signature looks like some sort of armadillo, or possibly a group of larvae
Ok, i'll switch to Simple Machines or PHPBB, atleast thay have Macedonian translation of forum Script.
(2009-02-20, 11:22 AM)apo Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, i'll switch to Simple Machines or PHPBB, atleast thay have Macedonian translation of forum Script.
Well if you get together with some friends and make a translation pack and submit it, then we'll have one...
(2009-02-20, 11:22 AM)apo Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, i'll switch to Simple Machines or PHPBB, atleast thay have Macedonian translation of forum Script.

Switch to PhpBB, they get hacked...
(2009-02-20, 02:40 AM)kruzzen Wrote: [ -> ]They both loaded fast for me Smile I like the first one's theme, very sleek looking, good work!

The second theme is too plain and too dark for my tastes but better than most dark themes, so good work again Smile

If your thinking he created that theme,, it's free over there.
I like the second theme though.
That moving arrow of the first forum is annoying :o
It makes me insane and wanting to kill people.

euhm, brb :p
hahah so kill someone,why not, its free
Pages: 1 2