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Full Version: Missing dividing line on polls
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I just posted my first poll via the latest MyBB release. It worked fine, except that there is no horiz dividing line between the second and third of the five choices offered! I did add an option during editing and am not sure if this bug appeared at that point, and since the poll is now live I don't want to alter it more.

Also, it would be handy if a posting with a poll was not actually posted to the board until the poll was ready -- as it stands the posting -- which likely refers to the poll -- is up before the poll itself is prepared and viewable.

Thanks for the great work on MyBB.
I cannot see anything wrong?
Looks fine to me..
Yeah. Figures. I just moved it to sticky status and added an additional option. It appears that when I added the new option the format bug vanished. I'll try to nab it with a screenshot next time. In any case, there was no horizontal line between the second and third options, originally. Thanks, all.
No problemToungue Yeah, next time try and get it in a screenshot. Sometimes the server has a hickup though and makes it look funny, but if you add an option it straightens out.
I remember someone having a similar problem before, but in a slightly different situation. When they were editing a user in the ACP and they had the drop-down menu of option, 2 of the options weren't separated by a line, and I think the conclusion was it was down to screen resolution.
Screen resolution didn't seem an issue in this case, since the problem was apparent to all viewers on a vast number of differently configured machines. Anyway, I looked at the HTML and clearly the horiz line was missing at the time -- and of course this is more of an issue on a public poll than it would be on the ACP (which isn't seen by the public, of course).

While I'm on the subject, one other cosmetic issue. The poll result bars show a significantly-sized stub even for 0% votes. A couple of people asked me about this and I agree -- 0 votes should mean 0 visible bar!

Thanks again.
That's how it is. There's always a little stub there for 0 votes.