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Full Version: Help, Website theme not showing.
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What browser are you using?
And which theme do you want to use on the forum right now?
Isn't showing for me either. If the CHMOD settings aren't staying, and they change to something else, you'll have to ask your host why it's doing that. I also get a 403 forbidden error when I try to view the CSS directly... I think this is one to ask the host about.
Afresh midnight is what I want to use.

I used both IE, and firefox, they still won't show up.

I am hosting my forum on my friend's website, he is providing me with hosting service...

Dang, after I got excited, I got problems... =(.
It looks like they have some sort of security system setup that disallows CHMOD of 777 as it can be unsafe. Can you try 757 and 775??
Edit: No point in both of us assisting him.. you can take it over Matt Smile
757 to which folders, and 775 to which folders?
I really don't want to mess up.
Well, where I said set folders to 777, try 757 instead, and if that doesn't work, try 775.
It finally showed up.

Thank you.
If I need help, I will come back, if I can rep you, you will both get 1k +reps.
try to delete all existing Theme and Template
Then Install New Theme And Change To Default Theme
That will Good
If you can see, it was already solved.
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