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Full Version: Regular Images instead of Thumbnails
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Can attachments be displayed as regular sized images in posts? Or do they have to be thumbnails?
They can be regular sized.

Admin CP -> Board Settings -> Change -> Posting (15 Settings) -> "Do you want to show the generated thumbnails for attached images inside the posts?" make sure the radio button is set to "No" if you want attachments to not be thumbnailed.
I tried checking no, but it still creates the thumbnails under 'attachments'.

I'd like it to display the full size image under 'attachments', so that my members do have to click on the thumbnails.
I'm looking to completely cancel the thumbnail and just display the full image. Something similar to this.
I have had the same problem with the posting into the post section and the image still being an attachment, is this a bug then?
hey matt what about to change that size of these thumbnails to something like 200x200
also here Admin CP -> Board Settings -> Change -> Posting (15 Settings) -> scroll down
I'm seeing the benefits of the thumbnails. Increasing the size makes the images viewable but also keeps everything looking uniform, because members aren't posting various image sizes.