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when my user try to do login:

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'loginattempts' in 'field list'
SELECT loginattempts FROM mybb_users WHERE LOWER(username)='trinit' LIMIT 1


How i must do?

Version of mybb: 1.4.4.

Thank you
Quote:Information: This occurs when you are using MySQL and you attempt to upgrade from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4, after you upload all the new files, but do not run the upgrade script. In 1.4.4, a new column, 'loginattempts', was added to the users table for a new security feature. The error shows as the 1.4.4 member.php file is trying to find the 'loginattempts' column in a 1.4.3 database, where it doesn't exist.
To fix this go to ./install/upgrade.php and choose 1.4.2/1.4.3 from the list. This is for if you upgraded from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4. I am guessing you did.
And if this is the case, try and read the upgrade announcements a bit better as this was mentioned twice quite clearly in it.
I replaced the file of 1.4.2 to 1.4.4 Confused
I don't read it because it was english :-S

And now running upgrade.php it show:

The installer is currently locked, please remove 'lock' from the install directory to continue

HHow can i do?
Yes, you replaced the files, but you also need to run the upgrade script. As for 'The installer is currently locked, please remove 'lock' from the install directory to continue', it says what to do, go to your ./install/ folder, delete the file called 'lock', and then run upgrade.php
And... what i must choose?

Once you are ready, please select your old version below and click Next to continue.

There isn't 1.4.2
Choose 1.4.3.
There isn't
have you transferred the install folder of the 1.4.4 version? Big Grin
Then you haven't uploaded all the files. Download the 1.4.4 package and uplaod the ./install/ folder, and try again.
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