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Full Version: Adding a user to the system broke
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Hi all,

Forgive me if this is possibly explained somewhere but also a question.

Seems as if the new versions of myBB has changed up how a user is added into the database.

I have a piece of software that use to upon login create a mybb forum account for the user w/ the same credentials they logged into the other software.

The code was this:

define('IN_MYBB', '1' );

require_once "./global.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_user.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/datahandlers/user.php";
$userhandler = new UserDataHandler("insert");

$username = "$_POST[username]";
$password = "$_POST[password]";
$email = "$_POST[email]";

if(!$username || !$password || !$email) {

   echo "not enough info";

$usergroup = "2";
$timezone = "-5";
$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// Set the data for the new user.
$user = array(
	"username" => $username,
	"password" => $password,
	"password2" => $password,
	"email" => $email,
	"email2" => $email,
	"usergroup" => $usergroup,
	"referrer" => $referrername,
	"timezone" => $timezone,
	"language" => $language,
	"profile_fields" => $mybb->input['profile_fields'],
	"regip" => $ip_address

$user['options'] = array(
	"allownotices" => "yes",
	"hideemail" => "yes",
	"emailnotify" => "yes",
	"receivepms" => "yes",
	"pmpopup" => "yes",
	"emailpmnotify" => "yes",
	"invisible" => "",
	"dst" => ""

$user_info = $userhandler->insert_user(); 


Which worked great... Now things seemed to have changed quite a bit in the new versions.

Could anyone point me towards a solution on doing it with 1.4.x?