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Full Version: Server is Really Slow after Installation
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After installing MyBB and running it for a bit, my server has become unbearably slow, almost to the point where it takes 45 seconds to load a page.
Any ideas?
URL would be useful so we can test it Smile
Sorry, but I've noticed that it kind of goes in phases, sometimes it's slow and sometimes it's not, I disabled a page optimizer incase that was causing it...
When it's slow to load again, would you be able to post the server stats in the bottom right hand corner of the page?? There's no sensitive information there, but we can see how quickly the page is being generated.
Generated in 0.0743608 seconds (84.36% PHP / 15.64% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 12 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0360270 / Memory Usage: 5.5 MB
PHP version: 5.2.9 / Server Load: 3.74 / GZip Compression: Enabled
[advanced details]
It takes forever to load, but the numbers don't seem that high, but the internet here otherwise is very fast.
What browser do you use?
Chrome, but it happens in all browsers, to all users
Hmm... stats seem very good, maybe try turning off GZip.
Issue is most likely your host's network, if it does the same for all users (note "all" doesn't refer to everyone in your district).