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Full Version: The "New" Facebook... aka Twitter 2
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If you don't know already, Facebook has launched a "new" homepage designed much like Twitter. Only problem is that it totally sucks.

I loved the old homepage, especially the live feed that included everything: status updates, wall posts, photos, videos, and all that. All it displays now is everyone's statuses (TOTALLY taken from Twitter). To view new photos and videos, you have to go to different "feeds" now.

It's been receiving horrible reviews from nearly everyone. Almost 1/2 my friends have made comments talking it down.

Twitter is Twitter, and Facebook is Facebook. We don't need a Twitter 2.

Your thoughts?
I'm not liking the new FaceBook. I loved the old one, not sure about this. But I will get used to it.
(2009-03-14, 01:02 AM)DougSD Wrote: [ -> ]If you don't know already, Facebook has launched a "new" homepage designed much like Twitter. Only problem is that it totally sucks.

I loved the old homepage, especially the live feed that included everything: status updates, wall posts, photos, videos, and all that. All it displays now is everyone's statuses (TOTALLY taken from Twitter). To view new photos and videos, you have to go to different "feeds" now.

It's been receiving horrible reviews from nearly everyone. Almost 1/2 my friends have made comments talking it down.

Twitter is Twitter, and Facebook is Facebook. We don't need a Twitter 2.

Your thoughts?

Well, technically, facebook is now twitters little brother, Wink
It doesn't just show statuses for me. I see my friends commenting on other friend's walls, notifications group related things, I'm sure it would do photos, videos, etc. also. Smile

I don't know what I think about it yet. I was just getting accustomed to the old page.

I definitely wouldn't say it's Twitter 2..
Here's an article that explains everything new:,27574,251...17,00.html
It's not that bad, anyways.
It could be worse. There was all that boo-ha-ha about the new design a few months ago and people got over that, I'm sure this will be the same.
It's only facebook, not the end of the world, Wink
I cant get twitter well meaning I just dont understand it... I am dumb.

Facebook and myspace suck so bad I dont visit them. I like for awhile tho
Oh, so it's like Twitter except that it's actually functional. What's the problem?
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