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Full Version: Error in configuration area
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Any idea what this error is??? It is only on the top of my configuration page. Doesnt seem to be affecting anything but driving me nuts none the less

o is Online functionality."; $l['setting_wolcutoffmins'] = "Cut-off Time (mins)"; $l['setting_wolcutoffmins_desc'] = "The number of minutes before a user is marked offline. Recommended: 15."; $l['setting_refreshwol'] = "Refresh Who's online page Time (mins)"; $l['setting_refreshwol_desc'] = "The number of minutes before the \"Who's online\" page refreshes. 0 is disabled."; ?>
Did you modify any language files?
I uploaded about 10 language packs.
It looks like they've been edited in notepad. Uplaod them again, and only use wordpad or notepad++ to edit them.