MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Im Back =)
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yeah yeah,
big deal right?

Well now that PR2 is released, (and has been for some time), and Im finishing school on friday, I've decided to take a year off before going to uni? my reason, to start a website, and to do that I need some good forums. MyBB is the perfect oppourtunity.

So I hope to bring to the community, some cool new skins (YEAH!) and some cool new mods (a heavily featured cash/points mod, with bank, shop, lottery, games and logging features), as well as some other smaller features I think would be handy.

For those interested in the cash mod (im sure lots are),

Im hoping to add the concept of reputation to the cash figure, that is, basic users start off with a reputation of 1.00 which either increases or decreases according to markings by posting, starting threads etc.

Starting threads that become popular, will increase your reputation, also posting handy stuff will also increase it. (eg, if your forum has a tutorials section, and people submit tutorials, you could reward cash + increased rep). People who have been on the forum longer, will have more reputation, (active people could have for example, a rep of 2.5) now the amount of cash you would normally earn would be multiplied by your repuation, so the amount it differs, can't be too big, otherwise it would be a gigantic advantage.

You don't need to have rep, so no big deal there either. I've seen sparked attempts at starting a cash mod, but nothing truly has been done from what i can search for. So if anyone is interested in collaborating or adding to my ideas. (think tank!) then im all for it.

Any ideas or features as far as styles and forums looks as well, as i'll wanna make sure the forums are proper and done before trying to design the website, then comes the doozy, making the content for the website.