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Full Version: How to disable user titles?
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I want to disable usertitles for admins, moderators and other groups except normal users who have predefined titles depend of number of posts.
I've made some image for admins, mods etc. that include user title.
When I remove usertitle from usergroups it derives predefined titles and images as normal user have.
When you edit a usergroup, if you go to the "Users & Permissions" tab, you'll see the Can use custom user titles? option. If you untick this box, they can't set a custom user title...
It dont works for me. :/

Here I am Administrator:

Administrators group have: "Can use custom user titles?" unticked and no usertitles set.
It still derives usertitle and userimage as normal user.

This is Super Moderator:
It has usertitle set, but it looks bad with userimage.

There is no change when I tick or untick: "Can use custom user titles?" option.