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I would like to change the stars with another graphic can can the stars be over written with another graphic if so where do i find the star graphic.

./images/star.gif I think. It's kinda 3 images in one if you look at it so I'm not sure how it really works but I think that's the image you'll need.
Yes MattR it uses javascript to make the rating,
In one of my posts here, I give a detailed account how it works,
Please search for it, I didnot know now the exact path of that thread,
(2009-04-12, 11:29 AM)ghazal Wrote: [ -> ]Yes MattR it uses javascript to make the rating,
In one of my posts here, I give a detailed account how it works,
Please search for it, I didnot know now the exact path of that thread,

Thanks, Matt
Actually I gave the answer not MattR Toungue
any way both of us are same, whether he give the answer or me Smile
Cheers to every one Smile
(2009-04-12, 01:00 PM)ghazal Wrote: [ -> ]Actually I gave the answer not MattR Toungue
any way both of us are same, whether he give the answer or me Smile
Cheers to every one Smile

Thanks ghazal an matt, you have both been helpful.
I am very Glad at your kind wordings,
so nice of you Smile