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Full Version: Install forum on free server
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First, how do you install the forum I have the 'myBB' and I have unzipped it! I want to put it on but I haven't got my own server and I am not willing to pay anything for anything!

I just need to know all about the read + write and stuff.
First read this guide on installing MyBB:
If you are in need of free hosting i would reconmend or if you are not that confident in installing MyBB you can use
thank you _Tim
No problem, enjoy MyBB!
I actually wouldn't recommend 000webhost, loads of people have said they shut down the servers a few times a day leaving a nice MyBB Internal Error for a few hours.
Oh really? I must say that i havn't used them for that long but i have used them once or twice for testing purposes and they worked ok. But i mean honestly, what can you expect from a free hosting site that offers what it does without ads.
I recommend

- 20GB webspace
- 300GB bandwidth
- 99% uptime
- free ads

In my opinion, one of the best free hosting.

Our service:
- 500GB Data Transfer
- 5GB Disk Space
- Fast 100mbit Internet Connection
- Automated Instant Activation
- 99.9% Uptime
- FTP & Browser Uploads
I still don't know how to install and upload the files with the right permissions.
You need to upload the zip, extract it, move the files to the directory you want, and CHMOD the relevant files/folders. Your host/FTP documentation will be able to tell you how to do that better than us.

If you're really not comfortable with hosting yourself I'd follow Tim's advice and use CreateBB, they set it up for you and it sounds like this would be the best option for you.
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