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Full Version: copyright symbol problem
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I've noticed that when I write "parenthesis" c "parenthesis" in a post some parser automatically converts it to the © symbol. How do I disable this? I'm trying to include sample questions for a test and need to be able to NOT have it automatically convert these codes to symbols.

To see what I mean, look at this

Thanks for any help with this
just put

A -
B -
C -
D -

Don't do the ( )

In inc/class_parser.php, find and remove:
		$standard_mycode['copy']['regex'] = "#\(c\)#i";
		$standard_mycode['copy']['replacement'] = "©";

		$standard_mycode['tm']['regex'] = "#\(tm\)#i";
		$standard_mycode['tm']['replacement'] = "™";

		$standard_mycode['reg']['regex'] = "#\(r\)#i";
		$standard_mycode['reg']['replacement'] = "®";