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What does server load effects? If I reached maximum load, how can I reduce it?
I have a forum with 500 people going strong. Load is extremely low. Make sure gzip compression is enabled. Under settings ----> Server and Optimization Options you will see settings such as Use GZip Page Compression?, and compression level, unix load limiting

Anyways thats all I got for mybb optimization from inside of mybb

index.php page:
Generated in 0.0937769 seconds (92.30% PHP / 7.70% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 14 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0363989 / Memory Usage: 6.5 MB
PHP version: 5.2.5 / Server Load: 0.14 / GZip Compression: Enabled
Hmm, lemme try that.
I am sure tho there is more information that a mybb guru can recommend.. but also here is a little more info
If you're on a shared server, the "Server Load" number actually has very little meaning and is, probably more than often, misleading.
doesn't gzip compression cause more problems than good in most cases ??
our server at peak time, only consume 0.5 - 2.5 Load Server

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GZip disable, for VPS modifying My.CNF (MySQL setting).
APache is fast, but need more memory than using Lighttpd.