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Full Version: Do bots crawling your site affect...
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... the topic views?
I would say no, due to the fact that they have guest permissions, but I'm not 100% sure.
I believe bots do increment thread views, yes.
Thread views aren't exactly science either way - everytime you yourself reload or go to the next page or write a reply or do whatever, this is counted as an extra view too. A thread with 100 views doesn't mean that 100 people actually read it, it could just as well be done by just one person.

It's still useful as a rough measure as to how popular a thread is compared to others, but if you want a more accurate counter, you'll have to implement it way differently, e.g. allow unique users to increment a counter only once every 24 hours or something like that. Not sure if it's worth the effort for thread counters though.