MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Why are the threads in the forums not visible to guests?
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After I upgraded to 1.4.5,
In my forum, the guests cannot see the threads in index page.
I mean they don't have permission to see the threads, but in 1.4.4, the threads were visible (when the guests clicked on a thread, it showed they don't have permissions)

[Image: 3fa1456d4c3c6655741b1ce5d021a0c3.jpg]

Any way to solve this? Or any permissions problems?
Make sure the 'can view' permission is selected. I think it's something to do with that permission as it was changed slightly in 1.4.5 IIRC.
This is the permission setting for the Rules forum.
[Image: eec67d05d9e4506b5292515a76dfdd85.jpg]

So what setting should i edit? Please help.
Yeah, that's how it is now then I think, they don't have permission to view threads so they can't see any thread info.
Inside the 'permissions' area (accessed by clicking the link on the right) it is possible to override these default settings. See if the top radio button in there got changed to custom.
Just an idea..
Also, as default the actual permissions may be set to a parent forum permmisions. Again, the place to check is by clicking the 'permissions' link on the right for the parent forums also

(sorry, I see Matt posted while I was typing a suggestion)
for forum user permission u should use forum permission instead of group permission..
Ok, looks like the permission type has changed in 1.4.5 realease. Even after doing whatever changes possible, i couldn't make it like 1.4.4 where the threads were visible in index page but when any guest clicked on them they had the "no permission" page.

So, i opened up all the forums : i.e, Forum> guest ----set permission > custom permission >
Marked (1)Can view forums , (2) Can view threads inside forums.

Then used the hide from guests 1.1 plugin to hide my download links.
Thanks for ur help guys, if i hav missed out on anything, pls let me know.
Yeah, as I said, it changed in 1.4.5, now if the option to view threads is unticked, they can't see threads at all.