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Full Version: Captcha not showing at registrations
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I have upgraded to 1.4.05. MyBB yesterday, I have also added Thank you plugin (which is currently disabled on my forum because it's not working properly), Prostats plugin and Fast search mod. I don't know if all these have to do anything with the problem, but just in case so you know.

On the place where captcha image should appear there is just a text Image Verification. I do not know why the picture isn't loading. I've re-upload captcha-fonts folder and it's still the same.

This is my forum:

What to do?
Redownload the 1.4.5 package from the homepage, and upload the captcha.php file from it...
If that doesn't work, reupload captcha_fonts again but try it in binary mode, IIRC that's how it needs to be done.
(2009-04-30, 12:51 PM)Tomm M Wrote: [ -> ]Redownload the 1.4.5 package from the homepage, and upload the captcha.php file from it...

I did that, still not showing up.

(2009-04-30, 01:39 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]If that doesn't work, reupload captcha_fonts again but try it in binary mode, IIRC that's how it needs to be done.

I don't understand what does that mean, can you be more specific?
FTP transfers can be in ASCII mode (for text files only) or binary mode (everything else), but that's not your issue, I downloaded the font files from your server and the checksums match, so the files are correct.

However on every page of your forum, the output starts with three bytes 0xef 0xbb 0xbf which do not belong there, and in the case of the captcha where the output is a PNG image file, those three bytes break the image.

You have to investigate where this output is coming from - if you are using any custom code or plugins, try removing / disabling those first. It's not your host in general because static files, as well as MyBB direct initialization errors, are served without those three errornous bytes.

Unfortunately PHP outputs anything that's not within <?php ... ?> so it could be any of your .php files containing those three bytes outside of the PHP code area.

I also removed those three bytes manually from your output and then the PNG image shows up fine... so there is no issue with generating the captcha itself, there just is something else that sends three other bytes of output first.
Hm..thanx for the info. I have deactivated all of plugins I've installed lately and the captcha is still not showing. Can you see in which file(s) are those three bytes that do not belong there?
I really don't know how that happened, I also got some bugs when editing post, probably because of that three bytes.
And one more thing. When I did upgrade to a got new htaccess.txt file, but I have one more htaccess file but it's not in .txt type, it's just .htaccess . Could that be a problem? In my old .htaccess there is just some code for SEO plugin that I use.
htaccess.txt is just an example file. the webserver uses .htaccess

and no, it's not possible to tell where those bytes are coming from without server access, could be from any of the .php files
Sometimes I get blank page on some links with only this on it: 

I Google it and got some results with a problem similar with mine, but it happened using Joomla:

I think it may be related to this problem with captcha. What to do? And where can I check if my language charset is set to UTF-8? (if that's the problem).

Thanx everyone
IIRC the  is caused by GZip being enabled.
Ok, in English please Smile Thanx
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