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Full Version: Banning a Range of IPs
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At my forums, there is a member, who used to be an admin but was getting on everyone's nerves and was banned by our head admin (i'm an admin there too). However, he keeps re-registering with the same email, and I fixed that by banning that email. Of course, he will just change his email and keep making new accounts. So, next I tried to ban his IP. Well, he has a dynamic one, so it changes every time. Although I am not particularly fond of banning everyone that lives near him, I do need to keep him out because he's giving bad rep, posting spam, and just overall killing our site with rudeness. I am not sure how to ban a range of IP adresses. Actually, banning the whole IP domain of his would be great. Any ideas?
zaher1988 Wrote:heloo there,

umm i dont think if he is using a dynamic ip, that he will always have the same range, any way i think u will only have to put the 1st ip, then a space then the last one ( E.G.

But if the user is on dial up, the next time he reconnects, it will be a different ip so its impossible to block that user forever.

Quote:Post: #3RE: Banning IP\'s
I had once again someone trying to login to my I ended up blocking IPs through .htaccess-file


* Dennis Tsang doesn't think that will ban the range, it will only ban the two IPs.

well actually in the admin cp, they didn't mention anything about how to do it, they just talked about seperating the 2 IPs but over there u can read that you can ban a range

and i dont know , i thought maybe putting the 1st and the last would help

but hey dennis do u thing if u put : or ; will help ?

No, currently the code only supports banning separate IPs.

If you want to ban a range, you have to make a modification to the code.
hey, then why in the bannin options, u can read there, " you can ips and a range of ips "

how is that ..

Yeah thats a little confusing. Maybe it will be in the next release *cough cough HINT HINT cough cough*
Because if you enter: 192.168.0 it will ban everyone from to .255.

So it does support ranges, in a limited sense..

huh, that;s gr8 !!!
i was sure of that, but dont we have to pust a "." after the 0 or it's ok like that?

I guess it's more like wildcard support than range support, except it automates the wildcard.

If he does anything particularly bad, you may want to do a DNS on his IP and find his ISP. Most ISPs now have special terms pages which specifically outline spam, flooding, etc online and will act upon it if you can demonstrate sufficient evidence. At the very least, it might scare him into stopping if he gets a notification from his ISP that he's being investigated.

Other than that, the most effective way to encourage dynamic IP guys to not do this nonsense is to try and use pure negotiation. Continually rebanning almost gives them a buzz as they find new ways to circumvent your bans (and there is all manner of ways), so trying to make them realise what a prat they're being could work well. That is, contact them privately where they don't have an 'audience' to show-off for.
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