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Full Version: Is there a way to see members' email as an admin?
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I know I can log into the ACP and then go through the member list and easily see everyone's email address.

But if I remember correctly, on IPB an admin could just look at a member's profile and the member's email address would be one of the viewable fields.
MyBB has a front end that is designed so that members can't see each other's email address. It's a privacy thing.

(Correct me if I'm wrong though, and there is a way to do it!)...
Understood that members can't see each other's address. But I thought that it might be possible for an admin to have special permission to see email addresses w/o having to log into the ACP. Just like I can set permissions for a forum to be seen or not by certain user groups...could email addresses only be seen in profiles by admins or admin/mods (as determined by the root admin)
Could be a way actually... you could make a custom profile field, make it required, and one that only staff can see... then all future members will add it in, and then you could do some clever SQL stuff to copy all the current addresses into the custom profile field.
Easier way; you will need to modify the member.php file though, but if you really wanted to it would be easy to make a plugin for this.

In member.php, find (around line 1298):

	if($memprofile['hideemail'] != 1)

Add before:

	if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] || $mybb->usergroup['issupermod'] || $mybb->usergroup['canmodcp'])
		$memprofile['email'] = "<em>".$memprofile['email']."</em><br />";
		$memprofile['email'] = '';

Remove the conditionals in the if statement for those you want to be able to see a user's email address in the profile. It goes Admin, Supermod, Mod.

In the member_profile_email template (or wherever you want to put it), do something like this:

<td class="trow2">{$memprofile['email']}<a href="member.php?action=emailuser&amp;uid={$memprofile['uid']}">{$lang->send_user_email}</a></td>

Feel free to mess around with it however you want it...