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Full Version: Installing on Directory as my PhPBB
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I would like to convert my phpbb3 forum to the latest MYBB, however the forum I am converting from is located on the same directory I would like to install MYBB

I don't want to overwrite any of the files right? I check the instructions page and I didn't see anything.

Can someone please help? Undecided
Put MyBB in a folder and move it later?
Ok, I know this is going to sound VERY noobish, but just let me know if I am correct.

I am going to install MYBB into a new folder
Convert the files from PHPBB
Then when all is converted ok, delete the PHPBB files and folders
then move it back to the main domain.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't I just have to update the config file to reflect the new main domain in order to move back to or is there something I am missing?
The only place where your URL is saved is in the Admin CP General Settings (Board URL, cookie info). I suggest this procedure:

Install MyBB to a new folder
Convert from phpBB
Delete phpBB from the main folder
Change the MyBB Admin CP General Settings (board URL, and cookie info) to reflect the new URL.
Move MyBB to the main folder.
Great! I will do that, thanks Dennis!!
(2009-05-13, 01:59 AM)Dennis Tsang Wrote: [ -> ]The only place where your URL is saved is in the Admin CP General Settings (Board URL, cookie info). I suggest this procedure:

Install MyBB to a new folder
Convert from phpBB
Delete phpBB from the main folder
Change the MyBB Admin CP General Settings (board URL, and cookie info) to reflect the new URL.
Move MyBB to the main folder.

I would suggest renaming the phpBB because at least you still have the files. I would also would make a back up copy of the database in case something went wrong.
Everything worked out fine. If I have anymore issues I will post a new thread

Thanks everyone! Cool