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by accident i don't know how it happened by my default made by mybb View on the user is GONE i have no clue how to add back can you please help me !
Can you explain a little bit more? Is this your problem?
no that's not my problem but it is in the same place, I created a new view in the ACP => Users & Group => User, in the blue button I think called view I made a new view and after I didn't need it and when I clicked I clicked delete on the default view which I though could not be delete, any way to fix this, also when I switch views from a nother view then delete the view I am on it sets me as the default which does not exits anymore and I get a error with it saying user.php, anyway to fix?
Can't you just create a new view...?? That's if you're saying you haven't got a view, that's what I get from your explanation...
Insert this into your database (if using mySQL):

INSERT INTO `mybb_adminviews` (`vid`, `uid`, `title`, `type`, `visibility`, `fields`, `conditions`, `sortby`, `sortorder`, `perpage`, `view_type`) VALUES
(1, 0, 'All Users', 'user', 2, 'a:7:{i:0;s:6:"avatar";i:1;s:8:"username";i:2;s:5:"email";i:3;s:7:"regdate";i:4;s:10:"lastactive";i:5;s:7:"postnum";i:6;s:8:"controls";}', 'a:0:{}', 'username', 'asc', 20, 'card');

Then obviously set it to the default.