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Full Version: Changing board url successfully
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How do you change your board url successfully. I tryied changing mine and when every I try go to the new url it takes me to

What else do I have to do?
in "phpmyadmin" go to table:

"mybb_settings" and click "View"

find "bburl" field with "value" field with your old url and change it. It´s done
What are you changing it to??
It still takes me to

Im trying to change it from my default url to a different one.
Right, but what are you trying to change it to?? If what you're changing it to isn't right, it will go to a 404, and a lot of hosts redirect you to mybookface when there's a 404, so the link you're putting in clearly isn't right. Have you bought a new domain?? Is it pointing to your server and files properly??
I havnt bought a domain I just want to change it from: to
So you've also registered that address and mapped it to your hosting account?? You can't just 'change it' because you want a different address...
So I cant change it?
Not unless you've registered that new address, you can't just change it because you want a different URL, doesn't work like that...