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I need help, everytime I go in AdminCP it gives me this error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/gentalk/public_html/forums/admin/inc/class_page.php on line 172

here is the my class_page.php

 * MyBB 1.4
 * Copyright © 2008 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * Website:
 * License:
 * $Id: class_page.php 4308 2009-01-14 03:58:30Z Tikitiki $

 * MyBB Admin CP Page Generation Class
class DefaultPage

	 * @var string The current style in use.
	var $style;

	 * @var array The primary menu items.
	var $menu = array();

	 * @var string The side bar menu items.
	var $submenu = '';

	 * @var string The module we're currently in.
	var $active_module;

	 * @var string The action we're currently performing.
	var $active_action;
	 * @var string Content for the side bar of the page if we have one.
	var $sidebar;

	 * @var array The breadcrumb trail leading up to this page.
	var $_breadcrumb_trail = array();
	 * @var string Any additional information to add between the <head> tags.
	var $extra_header = "";

	 * Output the page header.
	 * @param string The title of the page.
	function output_header($title="")
		global $mybb, $admin_session, $lang, $plugins;
			$title = $lang->mybb_admin_panel;
		$rtl = "";
		if($lang->settings['rtl'] == 1)
			$rtl = " dir=\"rtl\"";
		echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n";
		echo "<html xmlns=\"\"{$rtl}>\n";
		echo "<head profile=\"\">\n";
		echo "	<title>".$title."</title>\n";
		echo "	<meta name=\"author\" content=\"MyBB Group\" />\n";
		echo "	<meta name=\"copyright\" content=\"Copyright ".COPY_YEAR." MyBB Group.\" />\n";
		echo "	<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"styles/".$this->style."/main.css\" type=\"text/css\" />\n";

		// Load stylesheet for this module if it has one
			echo "	<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"styles/{$this->style}/{$this->active_module}.css\" type=\"text/css\" />\n";

		echo "	<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../jscripts/prototype.js\"></script>\n";
		echo "	<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../jscripts/general.js\"></script>\n";
		echo "	<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../jscripts/popup_menu.js\"></script>\n";
		echo "	<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"./jscripts/admincp.js\"></script>\n";
		echo "	<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"./jscripts/tabs.js\"></script>\n";

		// Stop JS elements showing while page is loading (JS supported browsers only)
		echo "  <style type=\"text/css\">.popup_button { display: none; } </style>\n";
		echo "  <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n".
				"	document.write('<style type=\"text/css\">.popup_button { display: inline; } .popup_menu { display: none; }<\/style>');\n".

		echo "	<script type=\"text/javascript\">
var loading_text = '{$lang->loading_text}';
var cookieDomain = '{$mybb->settings['cookiedomain']}';
var cookiePath = '{$mybb->settings['cookiepath']}';
var cookiePrefix = '{$mybb->settings['cookieprefix']}';
var imagepath = '../images';
		echo $this->extra_header;
		echo "</head>\n";
		echo "<body>\n";
		echo "<div id=\"container\">\n";
		echo "	<div id=\"logo\"><h1><span class=\"invisible\">{$lang->mybb_admin_cp}</span></h1></div>\n";
		echo "	<div id=\"welcome\"><span class=\"logged_in_as\">{$lang->logged_in_as} <a href=\"index.php?module=user/users&amp;action=edit&amp;uid={$mybb->user['uid']}\" class=\"username\">{$mybb->user['username']}</a></span> | <a href=\"{$mybb->settings['bburl']}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"forum\">{$lang->view_board}</a> | <a href=\"index.php?action=logout\" class=\"logout\">{$lang->logout}</a></div>\n";
		echo $this->_build_menu();
		echo "	<div id=\"page\">\n";
		echo "		<div id=\"left_menu\">\n";
		echo $this->submenu;
		echo $this->sidebar;
		echo "		</div>\n";
		echo "		<div id=\"content\">\n";
		echo "			<div class=\"breadcrumb\">\n";
		echo $this->_generate_breadcrumb();
		echo "			</div>\n";
		echo "           <div id=\"inner\">\n";
			$message = $admin_session['data']['flash_message']['message'];
			$type = $admin_session['data']['flash_message']['type'];
			echo "<div id=\"flash_message\" class=\"{$type}\">\n";
			echo "{$message}\n";
			echo "</div>\n";
			update_admin_session('flash_message', '');
		if($this->show_post_verify_error == true)

	 * Output the page footer.
	function output_footer($quit=true)
		global $mybb, $maintimer, $db, $lang, $plugins;
		$totaltime = $maintimer->stop();
		$querycount = $db->query_count;
		echo "			</div>\n";
		echo "		</div>\n";
		echo "	<br style=\"clear: both;\" />";
		echo "	<br style=\"clear: both;\" />";
		echo "	</div>\n";
		echo "<div id=\"footer\"><p class=\"generation\">".$lang->sprintf($lang->generated_in, $totaltime, $querycount)."</p><p class=\"powered\">Powered By MyBB. &copy; ".COPY_YEAR." MyBB Group. All Rights Reserved.</p></div>\n";
			echo $db->explain;
		echo "</div>\n";
		echo "</body>\n";
		echo "</html>\n";
		if($quit != false)
	 * Add an item to the page breadcrumb trail.
	 * @param string The name of the item to add.
	 * @param string The URL to the item we're adding (if there is one)
	function add_breadcrumb_item($name, $url="")
		$this->_breadcrumb_trail[] = array("name" => $name, "url" => $url);
	 * Generate a breadcrumb trail.
	function _generate_breadcrumb()
			return false;
		$trail = "";
		foreach($this->_breadcrumb_trail as $key => $crumb)
				$trail .= "<a href=\"".$crumb['url']."\">".$crumb['name']."</a>";
					$trail .= " &raquo; ";
				$trail .= "<span class=\"active\">".$crumb['name']."</span>";
		return $trail;
	 * Output an introductory message.
	 * @param string The title of the introductory message.
	 * @param string The introductory message.
	 * @param string An additional class name to add to the message if there is one.
	function output_intro($title, $description, $class="")
		echo "		<div class=\"intro_description\">\n";
		echo "	<div class=\"{$class}\">\n";
		echo "	<h2>{$title}</h2>\n";
		echo "	<p>{$description}</p>\n";
		echo "</div>\n";
		echo "</div>\n";	
	 * Output a success message.
	 * @param string The message to output.
	function output_success($message)
		echo "<div class=\"success\">{$message}</div>\n";

	 * Output an alert/warning message.
	 * @param string The message to output.
	 * @param string The ID of the alert/warning (optional)
	function output_alert($message, $id="")
			$id = " id=\"{$id}\"";
		echo "<div class=\"alert\"{$id}>{$message}</div>\n";
	 * Output an inline message.
	 * @param string The message to output.
	function output_inline_message($message)
		echo "<div class=\"inline_message\">{$message}</div>\n";
	 * Output a single error message.
	 * @param string The message to output.
	function output_error($error)
		echo "<div class=\"error\">\n";
		echo "{$error}\n";
		echo "</div>\n";

	 * Output one or more inline error messages.
	 * @param array Array of error messages to output.
	function output_inline_error($errors)
		global $lang;
			$errors = array($errors);
		echo "<div class=\"error\">\n";
		echo "<p><em>{$lang->encountered_errors}</em></p>\n";
		echo "<ul>\n";
		foreach($errors as $error)
			echo "<li>{$error}</li>\n";
		echo "</ul>\n";
		echo "</div>\n";

	 * Generate the login page.
	 * @param string The any message to output on the page if there is one.
	 * @param string The class name of the message (defaults to success)
	function show_login($message="", $class="success")
		global $lang, $cp_style;

		$copy_year = COPY_YEAR;
		$login_container_width = "";
		$login_label_width = "";
		// If the language string for "Username" is too cramped then use this to define how much larger you want the gap to be (in px)
        	$login_label_width = " style=\"width: ".(intval($lang->login_field_width)+100)."px;\"";
			$login_container_width = " style=\"width: ".(410+(intval($lang->login_field_width)))."px;\"";

		print <<<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en">
<head profile="">
<meta name="author" content="MyBB Group" />
<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright {$copy_year} MyBB Group." />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/{$cp_style}/login.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jscripts/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jscripts/general.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./jscripts/admincp.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	loading_text = '{$lang->loading_text}';
<div id="container"{$login_container_width}>
	<div id="header">
		<div id="logo">
			<h1><a href="../" title="{$lang->return_to_forum}"><span class="invisible">{$lang->mybb_acp}</span></a></h1>

	<div id="content">
			echo "<p id=\"message\" class=\"{$class}\"><span class=\"text\">{$message}</span></p>";
		// Make query string nice and pretty so that user can go to his/her preferred destination
		$query_string = '';
			$query_string = '?'.preg_replace('#adminsid=(.{32})#i', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
			$query_string = str_replace('action=logout', '', $query_string);
			$query_string = preg_replace('#&+#', '&', $query_string);
			$query_string = str_replace('?&', '?', $query_string);
			$query_string = htmlspecialchars_uni($query_string);
       	$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
print <<<EOF
		<form method="post" action="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}{$query_string}">
		<div class="form_container">

			<div class="label"{$login_label_width}><label for="username">{$lang->username}</label></div>

			<div class="field"><input type="text" name="username" id="username" class="text_input initial_focus" /></div>

			<div class="label"{$login_label_width}><label for="password">{$lang->password}</label></div>
			<div class="field"><input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="text_input" /></div>
		<p class="submit">
			<span class="forgot_password">
				<a href="../member.php?action=lostpw">{$lang->lost_password}</a>

			<input type="submit" value="{$lang->login}" />
			<input type="hidden" name="do" value="login" />

	 * Add an item to the primary navigation menu.
	 * @param string The title of the menu item.
	 * @param string The ID of the menu item. This should correspond with the module the menu will run.
	 * @param string The link to follow when the menu item is clicked.
	 * @param int The display order of the menu item. Lower display order means closer to start of the menu.
	 * @param array Array of sub menu items if there are any.
	function add_menu_item($title, $id, $link, $order=10, $submenu=array())
		$this->_menu[$order][] = array(
			"title" => $title,
			"id" => $id,
			"link" => $link,
			"submenu" => $submenu

	 * Build the actual navigation menu.
	function _build_menu()
			return false;
		$build_menu = "<div id=\"menu\">\n<ul>\n";
		foreach($this->_menu as $items)
			foreach($items as $menu_item)
				$menu_item['link'] = htmlspecialchars($menu_item['link']);
				if($menu_item['id'] == $this->active_module)
					$sub_menu = $menu_item['submenu'];
					$sub_menu_title = $menu_item['title'];
					$build_menu .= "<li><a href=\"{$menu_item['link']}\" class=\"active\">{$menu_item['title']}</a></li>\n";

					$build_menu .= "<li><a href=\"{$menu_item['link']}\">{$menu_item['title']}</a></li>\n";
		$build_menu .= "</ul>\n</div>";

			$this->_build_submenu($sub_menu_title, $sub_menu);
		return $build_menu;

	 * Build a navigation sub menu if we have one.
	 * @param string A title for the sub menu.
	 * @param array Array of items for the sub menu.
	function _build_submenu($title, $items)
			$sidebar = new sideBarItem($title);
			$sidebar->add_menu_items($items, $this->active_action);
			$this->submenu .= $sidebar->get_markup();

	 * Switch between two different alternating background colours.
	function get_alt_bg()
		static $alt_bg;
		if($alt_bg == "alt1")
			$alt_bg = "alt2";
			return "alt1";
			$alt_bg = "alt1";
			return $alt_bg;

	 * Output a Javascript based tab control on to the page.
	 * @param array Array of tabs in name => title format. Name should correspond to the name of a DIV containing the tab content.
	function output_tab_control($tabs=array())
		global $plugins;
		$plugins->run_hooks_by_ref("admin_page_output_tab_control_start", $tabs);
		echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
		echo "Event.observe(window,'load',function(){\n";
		echo "	\$\$('.tabs').each(function(tabs)\n";
		echo "	{\n";
		echo "		new Control.Tabs(tabs);\n";
		echo "	});\n";
		echo "});\n";
		echo "</script>\n";
		echo "<ul class=\"tabs\">\n";
		$tab_count = count($tabs);
		$done = 1;
		foreach($tabs as $anchor => $title)
			$class = "";
			if($tab_count == $done)
				$class .= " last";
			if($done == 1)
				$class .= " first";
			echo "<li class=\"{$class}\"><a href=\"#tab_{$anchor}\">{$title}</a></li>\n";
		echo "</ul>\n";
		$plugins->run_hooks("admin_page_output_tab_control_end", $tabs);

	 * Output a series of primary navigation tabs for swithcing between items within a particular module/action.
	 * @param array Nested array of tabs containing possible keys of align, link_target, link, title.
	 * @param string The name of the active tab. Corresponds with the key of each tab item.
	function output_nav_tabs($tabs=array(), $active='')
		global $plugins;
		$plugins->run_hooks_by_ref("admin_page_output_nav_tabs_start", $tabs);
		echo "<div class=\"nav_tabs\">";
		echo "\t<ul>\n";
		foreach($tabs as $id => $tab)
			$class = '';
			if($id == $active)
				$class = ' active';
			if($tab['align'] == "right")
				$class .= " right";
				$target = " target=\"{$tab['link_target']}\"";
			echo "\t\t<li class=\"{$class}\"><a href=\"{$tab['link']}\"{$target}>{$tab['title']}</a></li>\n";
			$target = '';
		echo "\t</ul>\n";
			echo "\t<div class=\"tab_description\">{$tabs[$active]['description']}</div>\n";
		echo "</div>";
		$arguments = array('tabs' => $tabs, 'active' => $active);
		$plugins->run_hooks("admin_page_output_nav_tabs_end", $arguments);

	 * Output a page asking if a user wishes to continue performing a specific action.
	 * @param string The URL to be forwarded to.
	 * @param string The confirmation message to output.
	function output_confirm_action($url, $message="")
		global $lang;
			$message = $lang->confirm_action;
		$form = new Form($url, 'post');
		echo "<div class=\"confirm_action\">\n";
		echo "<p>{$message}</p>\n";
		echo "<br />\n";
		echo "<p class=\"buttons\">\n";
		echo $form->generate_submit_button($lang->yes, array('class' => 'button_yes'));
		echo $form->generate_submit_button($lang->no, array("name" => "no", 'class' => 'button_no'));
		echo "</p>\n";
		echo "</div>\n";

	 * Build a clickable MyCode editor for the Admin CP.
	 * @param string The ID of the textarea to bind the editor to.
	 * @param string The language string for the editor.
	 * @return string The build MyCode editor Javascript.
	function build_codebuttons_editor($bind, $editor_language)
		global $lang;
		if($bind == "signature")
			$tabs_js = "Control.Tabs.observe('afterChange', function(instance, new_tab) { if( == \"tab_signature\") { initEditor() }});";
		return "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../jscripts/editor.js\"></script>\n".
				"<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n".
				"	{$editor_language}".
				"	{$tabs_js}".
				"	var clickableEditor = ''; function initEditor() { if(!clickableEditor) { clickableEditor = new messageEditor(\"{$bind}\", {lang: editor_language, rtl: {$lang->settings['rtl']}})}; };\n".

 * A class for generating side bar blocks.
class DefaultSidebarItem
	 * @var The title of the side bar block.
	var $_title;

	 * @var string The contents of the side bar block.
	var $_contents;
	 * Constructor. Set the title of the side bar block.
	 * @param string The title of the side bar block.
	function __construct($title="") {
		$this->_title = $title;

	function DefaultSidebarItem($title="")
	 * Add menus item to the side bar block.
	 * @param array Array of menu items to add. Each menu item should be a nested array of id, link and title.
	 * @param string The ID of the active menu item if there is one.
	function add_menu_items($items, $active)
		$this->_contents = "<ul class=\"menu\">";
		foreach($items as $item)
			$class = "";
			if($item['id'] == $active)
				$class = "active";
			$item['link'] = htmlspecialchars($item['link']);
			$this->_contents .= "<li class=\"{$class}\"><a href=\"{$item['link']}\">{$item['title']}</a></li>\n";
		$this->_contents .= "</ul>";
	 * Fetch the HTML markup for the side bar box.
	function get_markup()
		$markup = "<div class=\"left_menu_box\">\n";
		$markup .= "<div class=\"title\">{$this->_title}</div>\n";
			$markup .= $this->_contents;
		$markup .= "</div>\n";
		return $markup;

 * Generate a Javascript based popup menu.
class DefaultPopupMenu
	 * @var string The title of the popup menu to be shown on the button.
	var $_title;

	 * @var string The ID of this popup menu. Must be unique.
	var $_id;

	 * @var string Built HTML for the items in the popup menu.
	var $_items;

	 * Initialise a new popup menu.
	 * @var string The ID of the popup menu.
	 * @var string The title of the popup menu.
	function __construct($id, $title='')
		$this->_id = $id;
		$this->_title = $title;

	function DefaultPopupMenu($id, $title='')
		$this->__construct($id, $title);

	 * Add an item to the popup menu.
	 * @param string The title of this item.
	 * @param string The page this item should link to.
	 * @param string The onclick event handler if we have one.
	function add_item($text, $link, $onclick='')
			$onclick = " onclick=\"{$onclick}\"";
		$this->_items .= "<div class=\"popup_item_container\"><a href=\"{$link}\"{$onclick} class=\"popup_item\">{$text}</a></div>\n";

	 * Fetch the contents of the popup menu.
	 * @return string The popup menu.
	function fetch()
		$popup = "<div class=\"popup_menu\" id=\"{$this->_id}_popup\">\n{$this->_items}</div>\n";
			$popup .= "<a href=\"javascript:;\" id=\"{$this->_id}\" class=\"popup_button\">{$this->_title}</a>\n";
		$popup .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
		$popup .= "new PopupMenu('{$this->_id}');\n";
		$popup .= "</script>\n";
		return $popup;

	 * Outputs a popup menu to the browser.
	function output()
		echo $this->fetch();

my line 172
Quote: if($quit != false)

what's the problem with it?
Have you tried downloading a fresh copy of mybb and uploading the clean copy of the file?
yep, done that already
Do you know when this problem started like after a plug in was installed, upgrade or language pack was installed?
Is there a plugin that is affecting your ACP? It seems that $quit is always returning true...

Specifically, do you have a plugin that is hooked into admin_page_output_footer?
I tried installing it with a fresh install but same