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Full Version: Possible Encoding error?
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MyBB Version 1.4.6
PHP Version 5.2.5
SQL Engine MySQL 5.0.81

I'm not quite sure if this is on my end or the software, but it seems like a weird effect.

On some messages on my forum installation, the message body doesn't appear (although when I edit the post, it clearly has a body)

This is what i see when i view the page's source code.
<div class="post_body" id="pid_283225">

This is what i see when i edit the page.

this is the current structure of my mybb_post

It's possible I might have messed up upgrading from 1.4.6 (i was at 1.4.4, then uploaded the 1.4.6 patch files (did not run the upgrade script), then upgraded properly to 1.4.5, then re-uploaded the 1.4.6 files, then upgraded properly (running the upgrade script)
Try going into your ACP, tools and maintenance, and use the UTF-8 conversion on all tables.
(2009-06-07, 02:23 PM)Scoutie44 Wrote: [ -> ]Try going into your ACP, tools and maintenance, and use the UTF-8 conversion on all tables.

cool, that works. thanks =)