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Full Version: oh crap.... yeah......not good....
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[Image: ohcrapstats.png]

I think it happened when I deactivated and the reactivated my plugins so that they would show up in the black4evo theme, but now, I just noticed this....

oh and btw, I changed the text color for regular users to white.... without thinking about the default theme, now you can't see them, how do I change the user colors on a per-theme basis?
You simply have the variables in your templates twice, check the index_boardstats template.

As for the username colours, not easily, because it just uses the same style wherever it's show. You need to make the username use a CSS class and add a class to the global.css of all your themes.
(2009-06-08, 06:56 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]You simply have the variables in your templates twice, check the index_boardstats template.

As for the username colours, not easily, because it just uses the same style wherever it's show. You need to make the username use a CSS class and add a class to the global.css of all your themes.

ok I'll look for index_boardstats, but each theme has one right? because I didn't see one for dark4evo, and only the default theme does that..

but then wouldn't I have to edit every instance that the username is called, or could I just use css to apply the formating to every instance of {user} or whatever the call is...

I think if I just do this to my dark4evo custom theme all will be good, and then I can do so for another theme later on if I have to..
If you make the username style use a CSS class, it'll update itself wherever it's meant to be used, yes. It's just using a class instead of the HTML you usually format the name with. You'll need to do it for all themes, because it will always be looking for a CSS class when it's loading the style for the username so you need to put it in all themes.
alright, thanks... what is the class name? {user} ?

thanks again
You have to make it, call it whatever you want, put it into global.css, and then put that class into the box where you style the username, so <span class="classname">{username}</span>
Thanks! I never thought about putting it the style field in the ACP Smile