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Full Version: Prefix on Index
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how can I display the thread prefix on index?

[Image: 1z2lkbp.jpg]
By prefix, do you mean post icon...?? There is no 'prefix' by default....
I'm pretty sure if you mean the icon, I think there's a plugin for it.

You need to be a paid subscriber to download this plugin.
(2009-06-08, 10:16 PM)Joshua Mayer Wrote: [ -> ]

You need to be a paid subscriber to download this plugin.
I knew I found it somewhere Toungue

Don´t think has anything to do with 'Forum icons' or 'Mybbcentral' because the thread name it´s at right side of his screenshot
Ops, sorry! I mean the Thread Prefix (Prefix-manager) :s
Please, do you know any solution? I mean the prefix (prefix-manager) :s
If we knew a solution, we would have posted it for you.