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Full Version: Sitemap Problem
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I have google SEO installed which is fine but I have submitted my sitemap to google and google is saying it has errors.

Here is a screen shot:
[Image: error2.jpg]

I dont think these urls should be in the sitemap anyway. How do I stop them being added?

Also is there a way to get the sitemap to use:

instead of

Any help or advice would be great Smile
In google webmaters there's something to generate a robots.txt for you, create that and put it in your forum root. You can block things like ./newreply.php, ./newthread.php etc etc.
I already have a robots.txt file. Whats the command to block certain pages?
It gives you it there, but I have this in mine:

Disallow: /forums/newreply.php
Disallow: /forums/newthread.php
There's also an example robots.txt included in the Google SEO package.

You'll have to adapt it to your needs though (at least adjust the paths).

The URLs listed in your screenshot are not included in the Sitemap - they are found by crawling.