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Full Version: Where to edit contents of activation e-mail and the message after registration?
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As the topic title asks, where can I edit the content of my activation e-mails? Also, where can I edit the text users see after registering where it says thank you for registering and to please check e-mail for activation?

Line 165 of member.lang.php:

$l['redirect_registered_activation'] = "Thank you for registering on {1}, {2}.<p>To complete your registration, please check your email for account activation instructions. Until you activate your account you may not be able to post on these forums";

Line 185 of messages.lang.php:

$l['email_activateaccount'] = "{1},

To complete the registration process on {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {1}
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff";
Perfect. Thank you very much.