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Full Version: [F] Maximum Length in Custom Profile Fields do not work??????? [C-StefanT]
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Unless your going to trim what goes into the db, I don't think that beginning and ending spaces shouldn't be counted from the length of the custom profile field. Could be abused to add a bunch of spaces past the limit.

So I would say remove the trim. I don't like code that modifies what the user didn't put in to the script if it doesn't have to. Other then that, looks good.
Thank you for your bug report.

This bug has been fixed in our internal code repository. Please note that the problem will not be fixed here until these forums are updated.

With regards,
MyBB Group
While this works, the error message that is returned doesn't display what the limit is.

For example, I set a textarea to have a limit of 5 characters, but the error message returned the following:

Quote:You entered an invalid number of characters for the "test" field. Please fill in this field with no more than characters.

Notice there is know number between "than" and "characters".
Ahh I thought I fixed that...

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