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Full Version: Portal System
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I'm having some problem with my portal.
I put my portal.php (renamed to index.php) in
My forum directory is

But how do i make the portal read cookies in the following path?:
why did you rename your portal file to index.php if you could have just added the following line to your htaccess?
DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php index.html
that said, it's quite easy to make it read cookies from the /forum directory: just go to the ACP under general settings->cookie path and set that to your forum directory (usually it should be left as / because / is symbolic for your current forum directory.).
but if you wanted the script itself to read the cookies under that folder you'd've been better off using MKPortal.
I did the .htaccess settings.
But the problem is, when i login at, the cookie will be saved in
How do i make it saves in 2 places? &
Hmm, you'd want it to read cookies there, no?, then edit the cookie settings to read from cookie path /, since forums is under /, it'll read properly methinks.

WAIT, it seems that the main portal is trying to access, which doesn't exist, you'll have to edit the file so it goes to
LOL how do i change?
Or can you help me do it?
edit the member_login template on line 11
<form action="member.php" method="post">
<form action="" method="post">
Its not working T_T
have you edited the templates?
Yes i've edited the templates
With the default MyBB setup, you can't do this. The two files must be in the same directory, due to the cookie setup. You could always transfer the /forum directory to the website root.
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