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Full Version: Limit registrations to users under a certian age
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I own a teen forum, and don't want people above the age of 19 registering.

I need to disable it, but there's no option.

Mod/code edits. Please?
What'll keep them from falsifying their age? (Wow, I spelt falsifying right! ^^ )
Just add it to the Coppa area.
(2009-07-27, 07:49 PM)Agent766 Wrote: [ -> ]What'll keep them from falsifying their age? (Wow, I spelt falsifying right! ^^ )

Nothing. It's an issue of liability.
(2009-07-27, 07:49 PM)Agent766 Wrote: [ -> ]What'll keep them from falsifying their age? (Wow, I spelt falsifying right! ^^ )

So they realise when they put their real age in that they are allowed to register and hopefully won't.

@T0m either you can't or I don't know how.
Well, people that go there before they're 19 will still be members afterwards. :/ I mean, unless you plan on deleting all of them.
Ya, make it an agreement they have to agree to. There is no such feature as well it's very specific to few peoples needs. Most people want as many members as possible Big Grin.
Likely the second, i've seen forums that do. Umm post in help area.
(2009-07-28, 06:43 PM)Ooka Wrote: [ -> ]Well, people that go there before they're 19 will still be members afterwards. :/ I mean, unless you plan on deleting all of them.

It's fine if they're members afterwards, as long as they registered when they were teenagers.
Couldn't this be done with a simple if statement? Now, I don't know how the mybb registration page's code to well or how it would work but it sounds like a solution to me Toungue.
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