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Full Version: Suggestions for the permissions system.
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For the most part, MyBB is an incredibly user friendly piece of software. However, having used it for two years now, the permissions system still reduces me to a pile of goo whenever I try to work with it.

I just spend twenty minutes trying to restrict all access to any group but mods and admins on a board for someone else. I'm not sure what went wrong -- I mean, I've done this on my own board before -- but for the life of me I could not get it to work.

One of my biggest problems is that there's a giant table of permissions for groups in the settings for each forum, yet there's also an edit permissions page which often has conflicting settings compared to what you just entered! For example, I had everything unchecked for guest groups, yet when I went to the "Edit Permissions" section it still had "Can View Threads Within Forum" checked!

Is there really a need for two separate inputs for permissions, and if there is, can the edit permissions section interpret information from the forum permissions section more correctly?

I also think a "Restrict All" checkbox could be useful. Don't want guests to have any access to a section, period? Select "Restrict All" and they won't be able to see it exists, see the threads, anything. This would've saved me a lot of trouble in this scenario.

I'm not a software designer or a programmer, so there's only so much useful criticism I can contribute here, and I hope someone more experienced than myself will have some input on this. But as of right now, I believe that permissions are MyBB's biggest weakness.
Yes, I've run into this kind of problem before.

Where the simple permissions will over right the changes to the specific ones.
I agree, setting permissions is the biggest pain for me when I start a new forum.
We've already looked into simplifying this for 1.6 and we believe we've done a good job making it simpler/more straight-forward for 1.6.

Let me just say this: Say good-bye to the matrix. If we want to be able to add more permissions, the matrix simply doesn't work anymore as you can only stuff so much into it.
That's really great to hear. I look forward to seeing details of the new system. Smile
Wow, awesome Smile
lol i just made a new forum and spent about ten minutes checking all the permissions
Maybe we can get you to be the person that tests the new permissions system then. Toungue
(2009-07-27, 01:44 AM)Ryan Loos Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe we can get you to be the person that tests the new permissions system then. Toungue

i will die (of boredom) for your sins
(2009-07-26, 10:11 PM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]We've already looked into simplifying this for 1.6 and we believe we've done a good job making it simpler/more straight-forward for 1.6.

Let me just say this: Say good-bye to the matrix. If we want to be able to add more permissions, the matrix simply doesn't work anymore as you can only stuff so much into it.

Hmm, interesting to hear but please keep plugin makers in mind...
It's very easy toi set a group based permission system for plugins at the moment and it shouldn't become more complicated I think.
Thank you Smile
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