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I am trying to install this

but I don't understand is there a guide of how to get it to work or will someone explain
Wrong forum, again...

Have you not read the documentation in the plugin package?? It's quite simple... maybe you could tell us what bit you don't get...??
sorry wasn't thinking

so I put the plugin in the inc then plugins then turn it on from admin cp but what do I have to do with all the codes??
You just need to make one file edit, the edited file is included in the package, functions.php.1.4.8-googleseo, remove the .1.4.8-googleseo bit, so it's just functions.php, and upload it to the ./inc/ folder, then activate as normal and configure the settings. Fairly sure this is explained in the documentation... you also need to make sure your htaccess.txt is renamed to .htaccess and you need to add the rewrite rules in.
yea I have done everything with it now??

nothing has changed

I have enabled everything in the setting in admin cp still no change???
So on the plugins page, where the Google SEO plugin is listed, there are 5 green ticks showing??
no has 3 ticks on the bottom have a look

Right, well the reason it isn't working is because you haven't added the rewrite rules to your .htaccess file, or they're not in the right place.

Also looks like you haven't uploaded the language files either...

Did you read the docs first??
(2009-08-11, 06:17 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]you also need to make sure your htaccess.txt is renamed to .htaccess and you need to add the rewrite rules in.

where is that file???
In your forum root folder.
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