I just want a custom LAYOUT , not them or template .
sorta like this
i tried to do it last night but i cant seperate the forums , like i cant seperate the tables and stuff , it always moves together
like this~!!!!!!!
check out the picture above ... i want something like that
bump ... is this possible?
Yes it is possible but you will have a hell of a time coding that. You will have to some how make different classes for each category and than adjust there width, height, margin, padding, etc and make them float to the left in the container.
To tell you the truth I wouldn't even try it just go with a nice theme and a unique but simple to make layout.
Couldn't you just make every one have a width of 50 or so percent and then tell them to display inline?
Yea but than the other pages will get effected also, I believe he only wants to do it with the index.php right?
I've done it for one of mi clients, though, I had to completely re-write the forums structure. And the index ended up beign table-less

Id like to see the site where you did that. Can I check that out~?
It's not that hard really. You're essentially adding a float:left class to the forums, and a bit of padding.
Tables are annoying >.> And is worst if you want a very semantic markup, so I had to remove them in order to make this possible.
EDIT: Hold on, I thought he wanted the forums in a same category to be displayed like that, not whole categories beign floated. That is very easy. Just set them a width and float them lol
Can someone make a MyBB default of this then?