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I've been running into quite a few errors (mostly all of them very n00bish and stupid) but I was wondering if there was a mod currently available for say a bar at the top, sort of like an advertisement except say for flash?

Basically I have a top bar throughout the site that I was hoping to stick ontop of the forums for quick and easy navigation, but any feedback is appreciated.

Ben. Cool
Could you please post/send a screenshot and URL where we can see the top bar you are talking about? Thanks!
heloo there,

if your looking for a navigation bar ! it's available , but i didn't get ur post , what do u mean by a bar, and advertisment !! anyway , pls give us link, or as kodaks also mentioned, and pls explain more!! Big Grin

Basically, in short, is there an attachment on Mybb where I can put in a flash document ontop of every page.

heloo there

flash works on mybb

to add it, you will need the object flash html ,


<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="100%" height="100%" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value="main.swf" /><param name="quality" value="best" /><param name="salign" value="lt" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#e8d8b3" /><embed src="main.swf" quality="best" salign="lt" bgcolor="#e8d8b3" width="100%" height="100%" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

Now to add it to the top of the page

go to Admin CP > Templates > Modify/ Delete > Expand > header

and as i saw from ur screen shot you want it to apear as 100% of the page width , so we will replace the logo by it.

find this code

<div class="logo"><a href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"><img src="$theme[logo]" alt="$settings[bbname]" border="0" /></a></div>

now replace it this way

<div class="logo">��HERE YOU WILL PUT THE OBJECT CODE </div>

but note to make the width and height correct , or it will mess up ur
forums, and use w 100% & H 100% , in the object code.