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Full Version: Event driven shoutbox
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I've had this running for a couple of months, it was orginally named aIRC (it was going to be using a http socket to connect to an IRC server) but decided just to keep it simple.

It's event based meaning it has a packet like setup. Here is an example of the data being loaded when you visit the shoutbox.

NM{"Notice":"<strong>Notice:</strong> if( == 'abuse_airc') willy.own(; //ty"}#CL{"ID":3591}#ME{"ID":"3592", "USERNAME":"aIRC", "MESSAGE":"System cleanup ran"}#

It's fast and bandwich effient (only loading data as needed).

Current features include:

Administrator/ moderator commands (such as alert, ban etc)
[Image: shoutbox.png]

Ideas/ suggestions welcome!
What do nudges do?
Shakes the shoutbox.
That goona screw over JS users/dial up, can we limit the times in acp?
Yeah you can, I might also give the user the power to set the update interval. Like I said it's a well done system, when it updates only new information is added and not constantly refreshed like other chatboxes. I don't see why it will screw over JS users though and for those that have it disabled are not going to be able to make use of the chatbox... and yes there will be options to disable/ limit commands within the ACP. Plus the nudge packet only has a 2byte header + splitter.
T0m is probably referring to the nudging.
I've updated my post and plus the nudge was only an example of the event system and hasn't been abused on my forum with no limits enforced. Smile
I know but the forum i am building won't have that mature users...
Sorry to hear that, I will have it so you are able to enable/ disable commands. If you have any more suggestions feel free to let me know.