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Full Version: MyBB SQL Error SpiceFuse Shoutbox
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I deactived the plugin and now when i actived the plugin i get a error.

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
INSERT INTO mybb_settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_flood_time', 'Flood Check?', 'Add a flood check for everyone but the moderators. Enter a time in seconds here. Enter 0 to disable.', 'text', '5', 1, 94, 0)

Some ideas how to get the Shoutbox working again?

Problem Fix is to add ,0 to Spicefuse shoutbox.

Its now looking like this.

// insert settings
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_flood_time', 'Flood Check?', 'Add a flood check for everyone but the moderators. Enter a time in seconds here. Enter 0 to disable.', 'text', '5', 1, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_shouts_main', '# of Shouts to display', 'The maximum number of shouts you want to be displayed.', 'text', '10', 1, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_refresh_interval', 'Refresh Interval', 'How many seconds before the shoutbox is reloaded using AJAX transparently. ', 'text', '30', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_allow_mycode', 'Allow MyCode?', 'Allow MyBB code in shouts to format text using [b], [i] etc..?', 'yesno', 'yes', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_allow_smilies', 'Allow Smilies?', 'Allow smilies in shouts?', 'yesno', 'yes', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_allow_imgcode', 'Allow IMGCode?', 'Allow images in shoutbox? Note: Some can post too big images and mess up your layout.', 'yesno', 'no', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_height', 'ShoutBox Height', 'Set the height for shoutbox here.', 'text', '125', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_datetime', 'ShoutBox Date/Time', 'PHP date time format for shoutbox. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">check here</a> for more info.', 'text', 'd-m-H:i', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_full_ppage', 'Shouts per page on full view?', 'The number of shouts you want to be displayed, per page, on the full shoutbox view.', 'text', '15', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_allow_smods', 'Allow super mods to delete?', 'Allow super mods to delete shouts in the shoutbox?', 'yesno', 'yes', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings VALUES (NULL, 'sf_sb_guestview', 'Guests can View Shoutbox?', 'Are guests allowed to view shoutbox?', 'yesno', 'yes', 0, {$id}, 0,0)");

I added ,0 to all{$id}, 0,0)"); and now its working!!

Please Close Topic.

Thanks Inbetwee