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Full Version: Where to alter Latest Threads title length?
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Where do I edit the amount of characters to be displayed in the titles of the "Latest Threads" before they are cut off?

I ran a search, but I can't seem to find an answer.
Line 369 of ./portal.php:

$thread['subject'] = my_substr($thread['subject'], 0, 25) . "...";

Change the 25 to something higher and you should be good to go.
It's also in ./inc/functions_forumlist.php:

if(my_strlen($lastpost_subject) > 25)
	$lastpost_subject = my_substr($lastpost_subject, 0, 25)."...";

This will affect the main forum, not the portal. Remember to increase both sets of "25"...
Oh, for some reason I thought it said the portal somewhere Toungue
Great! Thanks to both of you.