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Full Version: How do i change the page that comes after...
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How do i change the text of the page the comes after you've pressed the "Submit Registration" button? The default text is something like "You will get a registration email with a link that you need to activate to be able to post on these forums" or something like that.

I'd be glad for any help! Angel
Line 165 of ./inc/languages/english/member.php:

$l['redirect_registered_activation'] = "Thank you for registering on {1}, {2}.<p>To complete your registration, please check your email for account activation instructions. Until you activate your account you may not be able to post on these forums";
(2009-09-15, 03:55 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Line 165 of ./inc/languages/english/member.php:

$l['redirect_registered_activation'] = "Thank you for registering on {1}, {2}.<p>To complete your registration, please check your email for account activation instructions. Until you activate your account you may not be able to post on these forums";

Ok, thanks!