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Full Version: Affilate Scroll-Bar
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Affilate Scroll-Bar

Since my forum is Advertising forum.

Does any1 have a guide on how to add a Affilate scroll-bar? So i can affilate with people and stick there image + URL in the Affilate scroll-bar to help them contain more members?

If you have can you please post it Smile
There isnt nothing there...?

Easily manage your affiliates!


* Affiliates box on index - very customizable

* Each affiliate can have its own page with custom details

Please note you must add the affiliates as an admin, this isnt users request
What do you mean there's nothing there?? You have to be logged in to download and either be a subscriber or have a few posts, then click Download.
Matt since you have my Hosting detail can you add this for me? Its abit difficult for me.

Quote:=> means Forum Root Directory

1. Upload inc/plugins/affman.php to =>inc/plugins/affman.php
2. Upload affiliates.php to =>affiliates.php
3. Upload admin/modules/config/affman.php to =>admin/modules/config/affman.php
4. Activate in your plugin manager
5. Do Template Edits Below

Open index template , find {$footer} Above add {$affman} Save and done!

Your the best. & your alot quicker than me Big Grin