MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Invalid Forum ID Selected
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Hey, tried to search for this error but got nothing for a few results pages.

I just installed a fresh copy and I am stalled.

Everything installed correctly with no errors however when I go to setup the forums I get

"Invalid Forum ID Selected" when I try to make changes or delete the default, premade Category and forum.
That's weird... can you paste the URL you're getting this error one?? Should be something like:

(2009-09-15, 08:02 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]That's weird... can you paste the URL you're getting this error one?? Should be something like:


Yes sorry for a delayed reply.

My plan of action


Then to options > edit forum


After everything is set > Save Forum >

Kicks me back to admin/?module=forum/management

with "Invalid Forum ID selected. " above the Forum Management area.

I guess I could take screen shots or something if need be

Thanks, Tripler

...EDIT* I also cannot create new forums after creation it just redirects back to admin/?module=forum/management&action=add and says nothing
I have re-installed the database 3 times now. All green lights and nothing unsupported, same problem

Version 1.4.8


Well I figured it out and it was my Mod_Security

Hope this will help others to.
