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Full Version: Author can close own thread
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Is there some kind of plugin or hack to allow author to close his thread?
I thought that it would be possible if we could give moderation rights to authors as admins and moders have. I tried to find a piece of code in showthread.php that "gives" moderation tools to admins and moderators.
Is it right part?
	if($ismod == true)
			$adminpolloptions = "<option value=\"deletepoll\">".$lang->delete_poll."</option>";
		if($thread['visible'] != 1)
			$approveunapprovethread = "<option value=\"approvethread\">".$lang->approve_thread."</option>";
			$approveunapprovethread = "<option value=\"unapprovethread\">".$lang->unapprove_thread."</option>";
		if($thread['closed'] == 1)
			$closelinkch = ' checked="checked"';
			$stickch = ' checked="checked"';
		$closeoption = "<br /><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[closethread]\" value=\"1\"{$closelinkch} />&nbsp;<strong>".$lang->close_thread."</strong></label>";
		$closeoption .= "<br /><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[stickthread]\" value=\"1\"{$stickch} />&nbsp;<strong>".$lang->stick_thread."</strong></label>";
		$inlinecount = "0";
		$inlinecookie = "inlinemod_thread".$tid;
		$modoptions = "&nbsp;";
		$inlinemod = "";

And how to do same for author?
I have this at Mybb Central.
looks like I'll have to subscribe for membership
I would subscribe if there was another pay method, I don't have credit card Sad