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Full Version: Reputations attached to pid instead of rid
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I am using the javascript Reputation popup in postbit and the multirep plugin, and I would like to tie reputations given to post numbers (pid) instead of rid numbers, then display the post users were repped for on the Reputation Details page.

I have created a pid column in the reputation table in the database and played with reputation.php, reputation_add and reputation_vote, but I'm not all that proficient in PHP and am bit stuck. I would appreciate if anyone could help out with this.
I guess either nobody's willing to help with this, or just isn't interested, but I'm still trucking along with it, and once I have it working I'll give the mods required to anyone that's interested. It won't be in the form of a plugin, but code edits to the files.

I have already modified the rep system to work more like vBulletin, in that members have reps and rep power, which is equal to 1/100 of their reps, and when they rep someone they can give or take away up to their rep power, but unlike vBulletin, my mod allows them to select how many reps to give or take.
Just FYI, 1.6 has the ability to rep for specific posts. However, as always, there's no ETA on when 1.6 will be released.
Any chance of getting copies of the reputation.php file and the modified template files, so I can get it working on my site a little quicker, without pulling my hair out trying to code it myself? I'm about as amateur as they come when it comes to programming. Smile
Well, I got this modification working and can provide the template and file edits to anyone else that wants to use it. It is NOT in the form of a plugin, and pages should be checked against my pages though, as I have made numerous other mods as well.

Such as, the reputation system and points awarded or subtracted are tied to the members reputaion instead of as a group permission and works much the way vBulletin does, in that members are able to award or subtract by a percentage of their total reps Called Rep Power in Vbulletin). The percentage is easy to change though, and is just a math calculation in the reputation.php file.

If anyones interested let me know and I'll post the mods required.