2009-10-13, 04:11 PM
Author: ZeRQ
Author website: http://www.mybbmod.com
Description: Dark theme for Twilight fans. Theme header contains flash banner feature. So, you can change the banner for multi style...
Thanks, hope you enjoy this theme.
You are not allowed to remove the copyright, even if you modify the theme!
You can publish your modified version of the design, but keep the copyright!
Download at MyBBMods
Author website: http://www.mybbmod.com
Description: Dark theme for Twilight fans. Theme header contains flash banner feature. So, you can change the banner for multi style...
1. Upload the folder "twi" to your ./images/ directory
2. Import the XML theme file in the Admin CP.
3. Set it to what you want it to be (Default, only to select usergroups, etc.)
Thanks, hope you enjoy this theme.
You are not allowed to remove the copyright, even if you modify the theme!
You can publish your modified version of the design, but keep the copyright!
Download at MyBBMods